PSALM 130*
Prayer for Pardon and Mercy
Out of the depths* I call to you, LORD;
May your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.a
Lord, who can stand?b
and so you are revered.*
my soul waits
and I hope for his word.c
more than sentinels for daybreak.d
More than sentinels for daybreak,
For with the LORD is mercy,
with him is plenteous redemption,e
from all its sins.f
* [Psalm 130] This lament, a Penitential Psalm, is the De profundis used in liturgical prayers for the faithful departed. In deep sorrow the psalmist cries to God (Ps 130:1–2), asking for mercy (Ps 130:3–4). The psalmist’s trust (Ps 130:5–6) becomes a model for the people (Ps 130:7–8).
* [130:1] The depths: Sheol here is a metaphor of total misery. Deep anguish makes the psalmist feel “like those descending to the pit” (Ps 143:7).
* [130:4] And so you are revered: the experience of God’s mercy leads one to a greater sense of God.
a. [130:2] Ps 5:2–3; 55:2–3; 86:6; Lam 3:55–56; Jon 2:3.
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